Author: bloggingbelmont is a citizen-powered blog for Belmont, Massachusetts. Launched in 2007, BB providse a progressive voice in Belmont town politics.

Does Belmont need a new rink? See for yourself!

Viglirolo Rink

Belmont voters are being asked to fund a new skating rink. Is a new building needed? See for yourself with rink tours this weekend and next!

Survey: What do you want from Belmont’s next superintendent?

Student raising hand in elementary school classroom.

The Belmont Superintendent Screening Committee published an online survey to help identify screening criteria for our next school superintendent. Make your voice heard!

Take The Survey: What Do You Want From A Local Paper?

News Stand

A group of volunteers is thinking of starting a non-profit paper for Town. But first they need feedback on what readers want in a local paper. Take the survey and let them know!

It’s In the Books: Library Passes with 57% of Vote, Rink falls short

An image of Belmont’s new library.

Belmont voters gave a strong endorsement to construction of a new library, voting YES on Question 5 by a more than 1,800 vote margin.

Tonight: Forum on Building Belmont’s Future

Building Belmonts Future Logo

Tonight (Nov 3) at 6:30, the Metropolitan Area Planning Council and Belmont will host an event at the Beech Street Center to provide an update on the Town’s current Housing Production Plan. You can attend in person or virtually

Sunlight, space and knowledge: a look inside Belmont’s new library

Lobby Commons Area Belmont Public Library

The new Library Belmont voters are being asked to approve has a lot to offer the Town. We put together a slide show to show you what the new Library will look like inside!

Belmont needs a new Library. Here’s how you can help!

Proposed New Belmont Library South Lawn

With a vote to fund the construction of a new public library building on the ballot on November 8, supporters need to step up, step out and get involved to make our new public library a reality. Here are some things that Blogging Belmont readers can do to help.

The Apple Run Turns 10! Register now!

The Belmont Apple Run

Belmont’s fall classic, The FBE Apple 5K and 2K runs are just two weeks away! This year marks a special milestone: the 10th annual running of the race. That’s more reason than ever to register to run this year.

Updated: Have You Seen Jonathan? BPD looking for Missing Chenery Student

Update: May 26, 2022 – Just a note that Belmont PD issued an update around midnight that Jonathan had been located and was reunited with his family. (Queue collective sigh of relief.) A bit of good news in a week…

Millions From Feds, State For Community Path. Show Your Support By Monday!

Phase 1 Belmont Community Path

The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is seeking comments on a proposal to allocate $21 million of state and federal funding for construction of phase 1 of the community path. Let MPO know you support the Community Path!