Author: bloggingbelmont is a citizen-powered blog for Belmont, Massachusetts. Launched in 2007, BB providse a progressive voice in Belmont town politics.

Punks beat up on the Citizen Herald

New in the “grounded for life” category…it looks like our beloved Belmont Citizen Herald got more than it was bargaining for with the recent Cassie Norton story in last week’s issue on the “near riot” at the VFW Hall after…

Wellington Tour: Stop 2 – teeny, tiny classrooms

In Part II of our behind the scenes, raw and unedited tour of Wellington Elementary, we go with Wellington parent Karen Parmett to one of the kindergarten classrooms where 23 kids cram into a ca. 1960s classroom that’s just 700…

Wellington Tour: Stop 1 – the office

Wellington’s main office is tiny. Even worse: it was sweltering late Tuesday night, even hours after they shut down the steam boilers that turn this part of the building into a sauna during the daytime. Other parts of the school…

Wellington School: steam and sinkholes and exhaust! Oh my!

We’ve all been reading about the upcoming debt exclusion to fund reconstruction of the Wellington Elementary School and other “expensive items,” as the Belmont Citizen Herald referred to them. What’s harder to grasp from a news story is why a…

School Committee meeting to discuss full day kindergarten

Just a note to the BloggingBelmont community that there’s an important School Committee meeting tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec. 11) at 7:30 at the Wellington School that everyone should try to get out and attend. On the agenda: The Kindergarten Task Force…