Town Election 2023: Meet the Candidates!

Vote for me! art

It’s local election time in Belmont, and Blogging Belmont is back with its guide to the candidates. Check it out before you vote on April 4!

Resolved to get involved? Check out One Love One Belmont this Saturday!

Heart Ties

There’s a growing body of research that shows that human connection – to family, friends and our communities – is the key to a happy (or at least happier) life. The latest example of this comes in the form of…

Does Belmont need a new rink? See for yourself!

Viglirolo Rink

Belmont voters are being asked to fund a new skating rink. Is a new building needed? See for yourself with rink tours this weekend and next!

Survey: What do you want from Belmont’s next superintendent?

Student raising hand in elementary school classroom.

The Belmont Superintendent Screening Committee published an online survey to help identify screening criteria for our next school superintendent. Make your voice heard!

Take The Survey: What Do You Want From A Local Paper?

News Stand

A group of volunteers is thinking of starting a non-profit paper for Town. But first they need feedback on what readers want in a local paper. Take the survey and let them know!

Opinion: Belmont Hill School lot turns back progress on environment

A rendering of the proposed Belmont Hill School lot.

The Hill School’s motto urges its student to have “foresight.”  Yet the school’s proposal lacks any foresight into the environmental future of its own students and our Town.