Tag: Belmont

Updated Wellington plans available online

The Wellington Building Committee has posted updated site plans for the new Wellington Elementary School on its Web site.

The New School of School Committee

Tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 in the Chenery Middle School Community Room, the School Committee will be holding the first of a series of Workshops to provide for more open dialog with the community.

Summit on Wellington traffic, safety issues Wednesday

One area of discussion and concern with the New Wellington is with the impact of the siting of the building on parking and drop-off/pick up space. Some neighbors have voiced strong concerns about traffic on adjoining streets, and fire and public safety officials want to make sure that the new school will be easily accessible by emergency vehicles in the event of …well…an emergency. Now an important meeting has been called to help address the traffic concerns. Wednesday, September 16 at 7:30 PM in the Board of Selectmen’s room at Town Hall. It will involve members from the Planning Board, the Traffic Advisory Committee, the Board of Selectmen, the School Committee, Wellington PTO, the WBC and the Fire Chief, Police Chief, and Building Inspector.

Obama’s radical message to kids? Dream big. Study hard. Don’t quit!

The rancor over President Obama’s speech to children tomorrow doesn’t reflect well on either side. As is often the case in brush ups like this, the needs and opinions of the kids in question have been pushed to the side…the better to clear space for the grown ups to fight. Hopefully President Obama’s words will put the debate to rest. His message: dream big, study hard, and don’t give up – no matter the odds.

Kennedy’s legacy: service to the public

I don’t know what Rupert Murdoch has ever done for me, but I’ll say this: Ted Kennedy’s work opened doors for my three daughters that will transform their lives, helping them build confidence and insuring that they will be treated as full equals of their male counterparts in the classroom, on the playing field and in the workplace.

Comparing stimulus plans: Great Depression vs. Great Recession

$38 million in federal stimulus funds for Belmont? You betcha! That was the value, in today’s dollars, of a town plan, approved by the federal government, to rapidly modernize Belmont after World War II.

Belmont Farmer’s Market tops competition

Boston Magazine selected Belmont’s Farmer’s Market as its Best of Boston winner.

Call for proposals from Belmont Cultural Council

There’s a rare bit of economic good news from the Belmont Cultural Council, which is expecting to have more money to distribute to worthy Belmontonians this year than last, according to Treasurer Juliet Jenkins.

Single stream recycling = big boost in participation

A study suggests switching to single stream recycling (all your recyclables in one container) increases household participation and can save towns money, according to Attorney General Martha Coakley.

Reburbia: reimagining the suburbs

A contest from inhabitat.com and dwell asks folks to imagine ways to transform suburban space. The contest is down to 20 finalists, from 400 entries. Some ideas are zany…some are pretty darned cool!