Tag: Belmont

The Board Room is Watching! The Board Room is Watching!

What are the long term impacts of the cuts we’re making now in public education?The Cassandras in the board room and executive offices are already telling us: warning that the U.S. education system is failing the country and that presages a loss of U.S. competitiveness and future generations with fewer economic opportunities.

Et tu, Ralph? Notes from last night’s budget meeting

Nobody was smiling at last night’s Warrant Committee meeting, least so the scores of concerned parents worried about cuts to music, art and foreign language instruction, who were told by Board of Selectmen Chair (and candidate) Ralph Jones that the School Administration and School Committee were lying to them, hiding money, and favoring grown ups (i.e school employees) over kids. None of it is true… Read on for more on last night’s meeting.

Belmont indies? A way to support local businesses

Concord’s “Indies” program supports locally owned businesses. Is it a model that could work in Belmont, too?

Important Budget Goings On – Don’t Sleep Through ‘Em!

Just a heads up, y’all, that there are a slew of important budget meetings looming, starting this Tuesday evening, January 11, when School Superintendent, Dr. Entwistle will present the proposed FY 2012 budget to the School Committee. This meeting is in the Community Room at Chenery Middle School and will be the public’s first look at the budget for next year. From what I’ve heard, this is a “make the best of a bad situation” budget with some sobering numbers. We’ll need your help and involvement to win the funding our teachers and administrators need to preserve critical programming. Here are some dates to put on your calendar.

Belmont Citizens Forum bike path pamphlet stirs controversy

Suddenly a pamphlet promoting a bike path connection to Belmont Center is “controversial.” By the way, if you’re wondering if your town has a NIMBY problem, terms like “controversial” and “bike path” popping up in close proximity to one another in the town paper are a good sign that, in fact, you do!

Move to Belmont? What’s Your Advice?

A prospective home buyer writes me to say that they love the idea of living in Belmont, but have “reservations” about the town’s commitment to its schools. What’s your take? And what’s your elevator pitch for (or against) Belmont?

About that School Committee race…

In which Paul un-declares himself from the upcoming School Committee contest.

Town Meeting wants you!

Town Meeting is a great (and low-stress) way to get involved in town politics. Interested? The League of Women Voters is hosting an information session on January 14 at 7:30PM to talk about what it means to be a Town Meeting member and provide tips on running.

Upcoming events: Community Dialog and state budget talk

Two events to put on your calendar: an October 13 chat with Massachusetts House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Murphy on the state of the State’s budget. Then set aside the evening of October 27 for an important Community Dialog on the future direction of the public schools.

One Book, One Belmont: Wrapping up an exciting year

After another successful year, One Book One Belmont is wrapping up its season with a string of events through October 8, including a film screening, a day at Belmont’ Farmers’ Market with special guest chefs and another community reading of Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life, written by best-selling author Barbara Kingsolver and family.