A little over a week ago, I wrote here about my plans to run for re-election to Belmont School Committee. I wrote, at the time, about what a challenging and rewarding year it had been. How I was proud of the votes I’d taken on the budget, funding for the Library Aide positions and about the challenges that lay ahead, with an even deeper hole to budget our way out of. It’s with sadness and some regret that I write now to inform the B2 audience that I’ve decided to forgo my run for School Committee this year.
Obviously, this is a change of course. Up until last week, I fully intended to run again for re-election. The last week, however, brought new charges in both my personal and professional life that, I concluded, would make it difficult for me to carry out my duties responsibly as a candidate for re-election and, should I win, a School Committee member. I know that some will be disappointed by my decision, which has been a difficult one for me to reach. I ask for your support.
This will be a busy Spring, with both town-wide elections and a likely push for a Proposition 2 1/2 override. I look forward to continuing my involvement and engagement in issues before the town’s leadership and to making BloggingBelmont a source for progressive news and views on the debates going on within Belmont.
– Paul