Tuesday, April 2nd is the Town’s annual election. I share my choices for the (contested) town-wide races: Board of Selectmen, Housing Authority and School Committee. Remember to get out and vote!!
Tag: public schools
Game on: Scharfman Picks Up Selectman Nomination Papers
School Committee member Dan Scharfman is the latest to pick up papers to run for a seat on the Board of Selectmen, following the decision by current member Angelo Firenze not to seek re-election. Scharfman is the third person to…
PTO/PTA: Race to Nowhere Screening tomorrow evening
Just a note that the Belmont PTA/PTO will be screening Race To Nowhere: The Dark Side of America’s Achievement Culture tomorrow evening (Thursday) at the Belmont Studio Cinema, with half the price of admission donated to Belmont’s Public Schools.PTO/PTA’s! The…
The Board Room is Watching! The Board Room is Watching!
What are the long term impacts of the cuts we’re making now in public education?The Cassandras in the board room and executive offices are already telling us: warning that the U.S. education system is failing the country and that presages a loss of U.S. competitiveness and future generations with fewer economic opportunities.
Move to Belmont? What’s Your Advice?
A prospective home buyer writes me to say that they love the idea of living in Belmont, but have “reservations” about the town’s commitment to its schools. What’s your take? And what’s your elevator pitch for (or against) Belmont?
About that School Committee race…
In which Paul un-declares himself from the upcoming School Committee contest.
Town Meeting wants you!
Town Meeting is a great (and low-stress) way to get involved in town politics. Interested? The League of Women Voters is hosting an information session on January 14 at 7:30PM to talk about what it means to be a Town Meeting member and provide tips on running.
Teaching jobs in Belmont: tougher (much) than getting into Harvard
At Winn Brook Elementary, for example, Principal Janet Carey wrote this week that she fielded around 700 applications for four open positions at that school to replace retiring staff or accomodate larger than expected classes: one first grade teacher, two, fourth grade teachers and an art teacher. That’s 175 applicants per position, or an acceptance rate of just over one half of one percent, on average. Compare that with Harvard University’s comparatively generous 7% acceptance rate (2,046 of 29,112 applicants) this year. No surprise: Belmont ended up with some top flight candidates to fill those open positions.
Marathon Town Meeting ends with dramatic vote on free cash, library aides
An amendment by TM member Anne Mahon targeted at using free cash to preventing cuts at Belmont High School and preserving elementary library aides looked like a long shot, but won overwhelming support at Town Meeting last night. Where were you when you heard the Cat Leash speech?
One week to the Wellington Vote
With the Wellington debt exclusion vote one week away, there’s been a flurry of activity – editorial and otherwise – around town.