The Selectmen will have a tough vote on the Community Path again Monday evening. Once again Community Path supporters need to turn out in force to the Selectmen’s Hearing Room at Belmont Town Hall on Monday to voice support for a safe, off road route connecting Belmont to the Minuteman Path and Alewife MBTA station.
Tag: Belmont
Seven Things You Should Do Today Before Hurricane Sandy Hits – Belmont, MA Patch
Hey all – thought I’d pass along this article from Belmont Patch: Seven Things You Should Do Today Before Hurricane Sandy Hits. Watching the local news and weather channels might make you think that Sandy (my mother’s name, btw) is going…
Heat Advisory from BMLD
Hey all – if you haven’t noticed yet, its HOT out here in the Town of Homes. The Belmont Municipal Light Department (BMLD) is passing along the following heat advisory and encouraging all of us to try to take steps…
Another Slow Moving Crisis: Future uncertain for Belmonts Underwood (
There’s an interesting, albeit sad article on on the future of the Underwood Pool, which has long been in disrepair and, this summer, can no longer (safely) support a diving board. The pool itself, the article says, may soon…
Game on: Scharfman Picks Up Selectman Nomination Papers
School Committee member Dan Scharfman is the latest to pick up papers to run for a seat on the Board of Selectmen, following the decision by current member Angelo Firenze not to seek re-election. Scharfman is the third person to…
From the Patch: Why Will Won (Hint: Tip Was Right!)
So…hopefully you all know by now about Will’s victory in the Democratic Primary last night. If you’re hearing it for the first time now, I’d refer you to this write up in the Belmont Citizen Herald, or this one at…
One In Four Belmont Voters Declared “Inactive” (And I’m One Of ‘Em)
In which Paul discovers that, despite voting in almost every election for the past six years, he is an “Inactive Voter” in Belmont – one of about 4,000 in town (one in four registered voters), according to an updated list compiled by the Town Clerk.
Town Meeting Hat Trick: Live Blog
We’re here at the third installment of Town Meeting, after a quick and dirty detour through a special Town Meeting. Rep. Will Brownsberger is giving us an update on the budget picture at the State level and, of intense interest…
PTO/PTA: Race to Nowhere Screening tomorrow evening
Just a note that the Belmont PTA/PTO will be screening Race To Nowhere: The Dark Side of America’s Achievement Culture tomorrow evening (Thursday) at the Belmont Studio Cinema, with half the price of admission donated to Belmont’s Public Schools.PTO/PTA’s! The…
Town Meeting Live Blog – Night 2
We’re back at Belmont Town meeting and waiting to get going here. This should be an abbreviated meeting, with just three articles to consider: the vote on the Community Preservation Act (Article 21) that the Town approved in November. The…