Upcoming events: Community Dialog and state budget talk

State Representative Will Brownsberger and the Belmont Citizen Herald are hosting an evening discussion with House Ways and Means and Chairman Charles Murphy on Tuesday, October 13 at 7PM in the Selectmen’s Room in Belmont Town Hall.  This will be a great opportunity to get an inside perspective on the state budget situation, which many analysts predict will be even worse next year than it has been this year.  The discussion will be informal and allow ample opportunity for questions and answers.
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009.
Belmont Public  Schools
Field House at Belmont High School
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM
The Community Dialogue is an opportunity for all townspeople to help guide the future planning efforts of the Belmont Public Schools. Community members, students, parents, teachers and school staff, civic and business leaders, and elected officials will be encouraged to sponsor and participate in dialogues.  Dialogues are self-directed and focused on topics of educational and organizational importance to Belmont.
For more information or to RSVP, call 617-993-5401

Hey all. Apologies for a long hiatus on posting to B2. I wanted to write this evening to inform the B2 readership about two important events to put on your calendars. The first is a very important opportunity to discuss (and help shape) the future of our public schools at a community dialog hosted by the Belmont Public Schools on October 27 at the Field House at Belmont High School. The entire community is invited to participate in this: parents, school administration and staff, civic and business leaders and elected officials. There’s a great presentation from Superintendent Entwistle  available on the BPS Web site that explains the program. In short: participants will take part in both some directed “big topic” discussions on issues important to the future of our public schools, and then in short (50 minute) self-directed dialogs on educational and organizational topics suggested by participants themselves. This isn’t some empty “team building” exercise — the output of these sessions will be operationalized by the BPS leadership team and will help inform an 18 month improvement plan adopted by the School Department.

Take part in a Community Dialog on the future of the Public Schools

Take part in a Community Dialog on the future of the Public Schools

The dialog runs from 4:30 to 8:30 pm on the 27th, with a short break for dinner at around 5:00pm. The first Session begins at 5:35 pm.  and the second at 6:30 pm.  You must RSVP for the Dialog to attend. Call 617-993-5401 or by sending an e-mail to Cathy Grant – CGrant (at) belmont.k12.ma.us!!

The second event is an opportunity to speak with Massachusetts House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Murphy. He’ll be dropping in to Belmont on October 13 for a conversation with residents at 7:00pm in the Selectmen’s room in Belmont Town Hall. Murphy will be accompanied by State Representative Will Brownsberger. The Belmont Citizen Herald and Brownsberger are co-sponsoring the discussion, which is sure to hit on the State’s precarious finances and the impact that will likely have on local aide to Belmont and other towns.