We’re back at Belmont Town meeting and waiting to get going here. This should be an abbreviated meeting, with just three articles to consider: the vote on the Community Preservation Act (Article 21) that the Town approved in November. The…
Tag: taxes
Selectmen on override: 6 months, 180 degrees
The question for those of you who are planning to attend tonight’s meeting of the Board of Selectmen should be “what has changed” for Belmont since last Spring, when both Selectman Jones and Paolillo ardently supported passage of an Override. If the town needed it in June, why is it suddenly unworthy in January now that our budget deficit has grown and all-important one time funds, such as the Federal ARRA grants, have dried up?!
Selectmen support smart parking meters
The Belmont Citizen Herald wrote up a story on a presentation I did for the Board of Selectmen this week on introducing smart parking meters around the commuter rail station. The BOS think its a great idea and want to move to a pilot. No Freeloader thinks its a terrible idea and that I’m a…wait for it…freeloader!!
Town Meeting wants you!
Town Meeting is a great (and low-stress) way to get involved in town politics. Interested? The League of Women Voters is hosting an information session on January 14 at 7:30PM to talk about what it means to be a Town Meeting member and provide tips on running.
Upcoming events: Community Dialog and state budget talk
Two events to put on your calendar: an October 13 chat with Massachusetts House Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Murphy on the state of the State’s budget. Then set aside the evening of October 27 for an important Community Dialog on the future direction of the public schools.
Comparing stimulus plans: Great Depression vs. Great Recession
$38 million in federal stimulus funds for Belmont? You betcha! That was the value, in today’s dollars, of a town plan, approved by the federal government, to rapidly modernize Belmont after World War II.
Belmont mentioned in Globe article on overrides
Belmont’s name showed up on a list of 11 Bay State towns that had passed Prop 2 1/2 overrides, despite the rough economy. The article, on the front page of today’s Globe,talks about overrides for schools, libraries and public services passing in towns like Rockland, Milton.
Wellington wins unanimous approval of Town Meeting
This year’s marathon, multi-session Town Meeting might be best remembered for what wasn’t heard last night: a single dissenting voice among the more than 200 assembled Town Meeting members to a motion to allocate more than $39 million for reconstruction of the Wellington Elementary School. The unanimous vote in favor was sweet victory for all those who have battled to have the aging school rebuilt!
State: now is the time for Wellington
MSBA Executive Director Kathy Craven told Belmont voters that now was the time to act on funding a new Wellington Elementary School, and that $12.4m in State funding will be off the table, and given to other towns if the town fails to pass a debt exclusion in June.
More Town Meeting Notes (Now Even Notesier)
I’m sitting here listening to Don Mercier grill Tim Richardson of BMLD about easements like he’s Clarence Darrow at the Scopes Monkey Trial. Yep — you guessed it — its another night at Town Meeting.