As some of you may have read in Thursday’s Citizen Herald, I’ve decided to run for what’s left of Diane Stafford’s three year term on School Committee. This will be a one year position vacated by Becky Vose, who’s seeking a three year position on the School Committee. As Cassie Norton’s excellent write up in the Citizen Herald stated: this is a way for me to give back to this community and take a more active role in the important decisions that face our town and our schools. With three children, ages 8, 6 and 4 I’ve got skin in the game, as they say. And the issues facing our students are issues that I care deeply about.
Giving back is what Blogging Belmont has been about (and will continue to be about). In the process of gathering signatures for my nomination (which were handed in today, thank you very much), I heard an earful from residents about what they’d like from their schools and their town. They want excellence and transparency and thoughtful leadership. Above all, they want an end to the rancor and serial crises that have come to define Belmont politics. Should I be fortunate enough to get elected, I’ll work hard on behalf of our schools and our kids. I’ll also work hard to bring transparency to the School Committee and to improve communications with town leaders, and the voters in general. I hope you’ll vote for me for School Committee.
Paul Roberts