A quick note on some important polling that’s going on in town this week that are begging for input from the BloggingBelmont readership. The first is a residential parking survey that’s being conducted by the town to gauge residents feelings about the current parking regulations in town. This survey is important (you may have received a robo call regarding it on Friday) and will be used to shape street parking bylaws and policies in coming years. So if you’ve got an opinion about onstreet parking, overnight parking, or how many cars your neighbors can have in their driveway, click on the link abouve and please weigh in. Or, visit the town’s Web site: http://www.town.belmont.ma.us/Home/I01476F4D.
The other item worth your attention is a poll that’s being conducted by the Belmont Citizen Herald to solicit input on possible Prop 2 1/2 overrides to patch the hole in the town’s operational budget. As often happens with these polls (here as elsewhere) the results tend to reflect the opinions of the most strident subscribers. Currently, the poll is showing a slight majority (55%) against any override. Votes for overrides of various sizes makes up the rest.
The BCH makes clear that they’re for fun and unscientific. The problem is that the results of these polls often end up as news stories online (and in print?) and those tend to shape opinions and conversation within town. So if a SurveyMonkey poll of 100 readers turns out lopsided against any override, and a news story gets written to that effect, the impression in town is that an override is doomed, even while only a tiny fraction of voters took part. Take 30 seconds and tell the BCH how you feel about the town’s need for an operational override!