Our virtual, behind the scenes tour of Wellington School wraps up today with two videos. In the first, Karen and Bob Martin from BPS, take us down to the basement of Wellington to look at some more substandard classroom space, including a classroom that has no windows.
One note: this room is currently being used as an activity room, not a full time classroom. But, as Bob noted, space limitations in the school may mean that it is again used as a class in coming years. In addition to…umm…not having any sunlight, this room features a loud, noisy overhead heating and venting unit (Bob explains why). Karen and Bob also talked in rather harrowing detail about how the unit inadvertently pumps in exhaust fumes from cars idling outside during drop off and pick up times, then recycles that carbon monoxide tainted air throughout the lower level classrooms, and how the unit is so loud that teachers frequently shut if off so students can hear them.