70 search results for "Community Path"

Post Election Analysis: It’s the Turnout, Stupid!

Summary: Higher turnout correlated with larger margins for Adam Dash, the progressive candidate across Belmont last Tuesday. In fact almost all the differences in voting percentages for Dash and his opponent can be explained by voter participation, according to analysis…

Zoning reform — its not just a Bay State thing

We heard from our own Sen. Will Brownsberger at Town Meeting in the spring about efforts on Beacon Hill to do a big and important re-write of zoning laws for the Bay State. The goal is to find a way…

Diary of a mean mommy

What’s the Chinese method of mothering? According to Yale Prof Amy Chua’s new book, its a kind of maternal totalitarianism that encompasses a numbing collection of do’s and even more don’ts. As in “Don’t…attend a sleepover, have a playdate, be in a school play, complain about not being in a school play, watch TV or play computer games, choose (your) own extracurricular activities, get any grade less than an A, not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama, play any instrument other than the piano or violin AND not play the piano or violin.” These are her words, mind you, not mine.

Belmont’s Clean Air Campaign: important meeting Wednesday

A meeting tomorrow evening at Belmont Public Library will update the community on plans from Sustainable Belmont to reduce air pollution in town. Come get involved!

Climate plan calls for personal, municipal changes

A draft release of Belmont’s Climate Action Plan calls for big changes in both personal and municipal energy use in order to cut Belmont’s carbon emissions by 80% by the year 2050.

Get involved: important meetings happening this week

There’s a full schedule of important meetings this week covering everything from school funding to the town’s budget and an opportunity to have your thoughts on education heard by leaders at the state level. Check it out.

Municipal Light Dept. falling short on Green Choice Program

Having set the bar low for adoption of its new Green Choice renewable energy program, it now appears that the Belmont Municipal Light Department is in danger of tripping over it. According to BMLD CEO Tim Richardson, just 87 BMLD customers have signed up for the voluntary green energy program — less than 1% of BMLD’s 9,600 customers, and short of BMLD’s already modest goal of signing up 100 customers for the program.

In the Mix: Will Brownsberger (Part 2)

This continues my post from last week on my recent interview with Will Brownsberger, longtime Belmont Selectman and now our State Rep. You can read the first part of the interview here. BloggingBelmont (B2): Bring us up to date on…

Band of Mothers

With Belmont headed towards a likely override vote (or a few of them) in the coming days, I was interested to read this fine article in the Boston Globe on the phenomenon of “override moms” — concerned, suburban parents (generally…

Firenze to School Committee: Full Day K will sink Wellington Override

This is the second installment of a multi-part post on my interview with Selectman Angelo Firenze. You can read the first part of the interview by clicking here. In the first part of our conversation, Belmont Town Selectman Angelo Firenze…