Category: discussion

The Apple Run is Coming. Run for it!

Elvis Costume - Apple Run

Scheduled for Sunday, October 27th, the 2024 Apple Run is just around the corner, and it’s shaping up to be an exciting event for runners and families alike, with a 5K and a 2K race, prizes for top finishers and for the best costume! Register now.

Widmer: Criticism of Committees Won’t Be Allowed at Town Meeting

For Freedoms Image

Belmont’s Moderator Mike Widmer declared emphatically in a debate Monday evening that, if he is re-elected, Town Meeting Members will not be permitted to speak critically of the Town’s appointed committees, calling criticism of committees “ad hominem attacks” worthy of censorship.

Vote For Change: My Picks For The April 2nd Town Election

Vote for Change Belmont

For the first time in years, voters have the opportunity to enact big changes to Belmont’s leadership. It’s not an opportunity we should pass up. Change is on the ballot, Belmont. Let’s make it happen! Here are my picks for the April 2nd 2024 Town Election.

Belmont: 3 Reasons To Vote Yes On Question 1

Vote Yes on 1 lawn sign

On April 2nd, residents will be asked to approve Question 1, which raises our property tax levy to fund critical Town- and school operations. Check out the top 3 reasons that I am going to vote YES.

Is Moderator Widmer really fair? I asked the experts.

A hand on a scale holding people

Mike Widmer’s running for Moderator on the basis of being fair and balanced. His decision to declare criticism of Town Officials ‘out of order’ suggests otherwise.

Opinion: Belmont’s Broken Zoning Is Making All Of Us Poorer.

two small children standing in front of a suburban home

Will your kids be able to buy a house in Belmont? 8 of 10 Belmontonians say it’s “very unlikely.” The MBTA Communities Act may change that- but not if NIMBY gets its way.

Belmont Educators: Speak Up To Save Our Public Schools

Belmont Middle School

Editor’s note: the following blog post was submitted to Blogging Belmont by Belmont Public School educators. In it, the educators update readers about the financial challenges facing the school, identify some important, upcoming meetings where those challenges facing the school…

Tonight: Help Shape Belmont’s Housing Future

Boston Elevated Rail Map 1920s

A meeting tonight (Dec 7) at 5:30 will hash out the plan for public participation as Belmont develops its proposal for multifamily districts in Town, ahead of the 2024 Town Meeting vote to approve the new zoning and comply with State law.

We’re Voting “NO” On Leaving Civil Service. Here’s Why.

thumbs down

Our research into Article 8 convinces us that the arguments made by the Town Administrator, Police Chief and Select Board for exiting the Civil Service are not supported by the facts. We’ve listed our main reasons for voting “NO” here, with further explanation provided below.

If I May: Civil Service Redux

Puck Civil Service

In her latest “If I May” opinion piece, Town Meeting Member Judith Feinleib argues that the Town’s proposal to have Town Meeting withdraw the Belmont PD from the State’s Civil Service program leaves lots of questions unanswered.