Category: discussion

New: Get BloggingBelmont delivered via e-mail

BloggingBelmont has added a new subscription feature.

Reader Poll: A new role for the Benton Branch Library?

As many readers may already know, the Library Board of Trustees recently voted to close the Benton Branch library after more than a century of operation. According to this article in the Belmont Citizen Herald, the recent decision to close…

PJ’s Paradox: planning for the future in a troubled economy

Reading the comments that B2’s loyal readers leave is usually more interesting than reading my blog posts. While I’m usually content to leave them as comments, occasionally readers suggest ideas that are so interesting they deserve their own post (and…

Eats roads for breakfast…

After months of back and forth and, sadly, a failed Prop 2 1/2 Override vote to fund comprehensive road reconstruction in town, repaving, such as it is, kicked off this week across town. I’m not usually one who stops to…

A better Citizen Herald?

Is the Belmont Citizen Herald doing a good job covering the town? Discuss!

Changes coming to BloggingBelmont…

Hello to BloggingBelmont readers. First: an apology for the long delay in posting. Work responsibilities and travel took me off the B2 beat for the last couple weeks and, as this is still (sadly) mostly a one person effort, me…

Guest perspective: Where was the Citizen Herald?

Editor’s Note: The following is a guest perspective from Town Meeting Member David Powelstock (Precinct 4) regarding the recent controversy over pay increases and promotions for two school administrators: Pat Aubin and Gerry Missal. The views and opinions stated represent…

School Committee responds to BCH editorial

The following is a reprint of an email from Superintendent Peter Holland to BPS parents. The email addresses a recent dust up between the Belmont School Committee and the Belmont Citizen Herald over promotions and pay increases to BPS administrators,…

Live blogging Town Meeting: 300 people, 27 articles — Fun!

7:45PM live blogging here– starting a bit late here and with a different feel under new moderator Mike Widmer, with both an ecumenical prayer (not sure how I feel about that), the saying of the Pledge of Allegiance (eh) and…

(Update) PILOTs…maybe not such a crazy idea after all!

Those of you who have been following for the last couple months will, no doubt, recall the Eight Crazy Ideas (that just might work) for ’08 series we ran. This was an effort to throw some out of the…