There’s a full schedule of important meetings this week covering everything from school funding to the town’s budget and an opportunity to have your thoughts on education heard by leaders at the state level. Check it out.
Category: discussion
Report: Romney to sell Marsh St. residence
According to a report in the Boston Globe, Mitt Romney’s Marsh St. home is one of two he is putting up for sale, along with a spacious ski lodge at the Deer Valley resort in Utah.
Homeless families at Gateway Inn need help
75 homeless families including an estimated 100 homeless children are being put up at the Gateway motel on Rte 2 in Cambridge. The families are staying for 2-3 months on average, and living out of hotel rooms equipped with microwave ovens and mini- refrigerators. They need help from the community. Here are some ideas of ways to help these families in need.
Who let the dogs out?
Oberdorfer throws a wheelhouse punch at everything that he perceives to be wrong in town. Those include: “so-called liberals,” the Senior Center, town administrators (there are too many of ’em) and, of course, “our beknighted School Department,” “compliant School Committee” and … wait for it… “greedy” parents. Oberdorfer accuses this last troika of a “conspiracy against suffering property owners.”
Weeks of Leaks: Nat. Grid says larger fix needed on Brighton St.
An earlier “fix” by utility National Grid did not stop a leak that cropped up on Brighton St. in December, and the company now says that it will have to replace replacement of around 200 feet of gas line on Brighton Street to stop it.
Crazy ideas for 2009: Change a light campaign
BMLD or some other entity orchestrates a door to door campaign offering free bulbs to homeowners. Volunteers could help screw them into their outdoor fixtures ON THE SPOT.
Lonely vigil on Brighton St. as gas leak enters its second week
How will a company that has to wait two weeks to get a part made to fix a single broken gas main during normal business respond when a real disaster strikes?
Crazy ideas for ’09: Fast track the Library
Find a place for the new library and you’ve got your new Police Station. You may also have found an answer to the Underwood/Skating Rink question, too.
Crazy ideas for ’09: Smaller is better for Town Meeting
Town Meeting, as it currently exists in Belmont, is too large and too unwieldy to serve the town as it should.
Happy Holidays! Now about Next Year…
A First Night celebration in Belmont would bring residents together, help out our downtown shops, and attract more businesses to town.