Got Library? Important Monday 10/4 Meeting

A note to Blogging Belmont readers: if you support the effort to replace our aging and decrepit public library with a modern facility, there is a critical meeting tomorrow (Monday) evening at 7:00 PM that you need to attend.

This is a virtual (Zoom) meeting. You can show your support for the new library building project by logging in to an important Zoom meeting. At the meeting the Select Board and the Board of Library Trustees will hold a joint session to discuss the future of the Town’s library. There will be time for public comment and your presence tells the community – including donors and decision-makers in Town government – that the library is important to you.

The Town’s public library is the most-used public building in town. Our long and (thus far) fruitless efforts to replace the 60 year old structure on Concord Ave with a modern building have been documented here over the years. Our Select Board notably passed on an offer of some $7 million in State funding to build a new library more than 8 years ago. Since then, there have been efforts to raise private funds to build a new structure.

Belmont Library Repairs
Belmont’s Library is in dire need of replacement. A meeting on Oct. 4 with the Select Board will address plans to replace it.

You can help by voicing your support at the Oct 4th joint meeting. The Zoom link for Monday’s meeting is: Our political leaders are watching. It matters *how many* people give and *how many* attend Monday’s meeting.

Other ways to help:

I’ll see you tomorrow evening!