Category: Belmont Public LIbrary

Got Broken Stuff? Fix-It Clinic Coming To Belmont!

FixIt Clinic

A week from this Saturday, on November 16th, Belmont will host FixIt Clinic #1275 – the first in town since before the COVID pandemic. Peter Mui, an MIT alum and the founder of the FixitClinic movement will be a special guest in attendance at the event, hosted by the Belmont Public Library!

Abutters want to slash Children’s Room hours over parking, traffic.

Benton Branch Library

Abutters to Belmont’s Benton Branch are up in arms that the nearly century old library might again be used as a library. They’re pressuring the Select Board to cut the operating hours by more than half: from 50 hours a week to just 20. Sign a petition supporting more hours for our kids and turn up Monday night to the Select Board meeting to voice your support for more Children’s Room hours.

Yes on the Library. No on the Rink. Tuesday’s Vote Explained

Skeleton on Hillcrest Road

Voters were asked to approve two building projects. Only one passed. Why? Look to a nasty “No” campaign and November’s “majoritarian” Belmont.

It’s In the Books: Library Passes with 57% of Vote, Rink falls short

An image of Belmont’s new library.

Belmont voters gave a strong endorsement to construction of a new library, voting YES on Question 5 by a more than 1,800 vote margin.

Belmont: 4 reasons to vote “YES” on Question 5

Man Voting

There are lots of reasons you should vote YES on Question 5 to fund construction of a new Belmont library. Here are four worth considering before you vote.

How Belmont loses its Library in Five Simple Steps

Belmont Library Problems

A vote against funding for a new library building could – in short order – leave Belmont without a library at all. How? Read on…

Sunlight, space and knowledge: a look inside Belmont’s new library

Lobby Commons Area Belmont Public Library

The new Library Belmont voters are being asked to approve has a lot to offer the Town. We put together a slide show to show you what the new Library will look like inside!

Belmont needs a new Library. Here’s how you can help!

Proposed New Belmont Library South Lawn

With a vote to fund the construction of a new public library building on the ballot on November 8, supporters need to step up, step out and get involved to make our new public library a reality. Here are some things that Blogging Belmont readers can do to help.

Our Library Is Failing: See For Yourself Sunday

Vacuum Tubes run Belmont Public Library

Our library is in rough shape. Just how rough? You can see for yourself tomorrow, when the Library Board of Trustees, Belmont Library Foundation and the Library Building Committee jointly host guided tours of our public library between 1PM and 3PM tomorrow, Sunday, October 17.

Got Library? Important Monday 10/4 Meeting

Belmont Public Library

If you support replacing our aging and decrepit public library with a modern facility, there is a critical meeting Monday evening at 7:00 PM.