Hey Blogging Belmont readers. While our attention is focused on the November 3rd Presidential election, there is an important primary vote coming up in just a few weeks on Tuesday, September 1st. Our representative in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, Dave Rogers, is facing a primary challenge.
That’s why I am writing*, today, to wholeheartedly endorse Dave’s candidacy for re-election to the Massachusetts House and urge my fellow Belmont residents to give him your vote in the Democratic Party primary on Tuesday, September 1st.

Dave’s dedication to the job of being a State Representative was apparent to me the very first time we met: on my doorstep on a sweltering summer afternoon in 2012. Dave was in his first run for office and was going door to door throughout Belmont’s Precinct 8. On an afternoon when one is surprised to see anything moving, I was impressed at Dave’s initiative, his good spirits and his great ideas. I decided to vote for him then and there, pushed a bottle of ice water into his hands and watched him dive back into the heat.
I’ve never regretted that vote. Indeed: my estimation of Dave’s smarts and his ability as a legislator have only increased in the intervening years. On Beacon Hill, Dave has pursued big and important legislation. He authored and passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, creating a civil right for pregnant workers that protects them from workplace discrimination. Together with Senator Brownsberger, Dave helped pass Massachusetts’ criminal justice reform.
Closer to home, I have worked with Dave and Senator Brownsberger to advance digital right to repair legislation on Beacon Hill. Dave is an important backer of this pro-consumer, pro-environment, pro-small business legislation. His impassioned testimony in favor of the legislation in October helped it win a favorable report out of committee – the first digital right to repair legislation in the country to do so.
Belmont couldn’t ask for a better representative or advocate on Beacon Hill. I hope you’ll join me in voting for him to be our Democratic candidate for State Representative for District 24 come November.
Paul Roberts
Cross Street
TMM P8, Chair IT Advisory Committee
(*) Editor’s Note: This letter first appeared in the Belmont Citizen Herald