Just a shout out to all the folks in town who turned out for Monday’s (sleepy) election. As has been noted, turnout was shy of 6%, which is dismal, but probably not surprising given a ballot with _n0_ contested races. Still, I take heart that more than 900 of you cast a vote for me, beating out a smattering of write ins and that tenacious character Mr. Blanks, who also came within 300 or so votes of unseating Selectman Firenze!

I get sworn in for School Committee, sans Lincoln Bible
We could gnash our teeth and tear our clothes about the pathetic turnout, but the reality is that there weren’t ballot issues or contested races that get people to the polls so…what do we expect. My prediction is that we’ll see a much healthier turnout in June for the Wellington debt exclusion. Beyond that, though, the town does need to find ways to spur civic engagement and to get Town Meeting to a manageable size.
On to other matters: my first meeting as an official School Committee member was last night, and my back is still sore from hefting the massive binders with policy and budget materials back from the Chenery. More on that later — but for now just a hearty “thank you” to everyone who voted for me.