Tag: New Wellington

Information session on the Wellington – Tuesday evening!

A town-wide forum to answer questions about the Wellington Elementary project is being held this Tuesday, May 19, at 7:00 pm. Officials from the State, Town and School Dept. will be available to talk about the

Fed $ means no Prop 2 1/2 override this year

An estimated $1.3m in stimulus money will help stave off cuts to staffing and materials on the school side and, coupled with some savings from attrition, let the town squeak by for one more year without needing to raise property taxes.


I take heart that more than 900 of you cast a vote for me, beating out a smattering of write ins and that tenacious character Mr. Blanks, who also came within 300 or so votes of unseating Selectman Firenze!

Selectmen agree on June 8 vote for Wellington

The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously on Monday evening to put a vote for a debt exclusion to pay for the construction of a new Wellington Elementary before town voters in a special election slated for June 8 in a Monday evening session that was anything but harmonious.

Get your vote on (and other matters)

Get yer butt down to the polls and vote. Then come out to the Homer building this evening to show support for the Wellington at a critical Board of Selectmen’s meeting.

State approves $12.4m for Wellington

Word on the street is that, after months of back and forth, the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) voted unanimously on Wednesday to approve funding for reconstruction of the Wellington Elementary school. Next up: a vote by the town (within 120 days) on a debt exclusion to fund construction.

A shout out for volunteers

Want to be a part of the grass roots? Together for Wellington, the citizen’s group that supports the construction of a new Wellington Elementary School, is looking for volunteers to help us do some canvassing and voter identification both in Prencinct 8 and in other precincts.

Why we need a new Wellington Elementary: the video

Together for Wellington has released an excellent video about the need to rebuild Wellington Elementary, and addressing questions and concerns about the project. Check it out!

Get involved: important meetings happening this week

There’s a full schedule of important meetings this week covering everything from school funding to the town’s budget and an opportunity to have your thoughts on education heard by leaders at the state level. Check it out.

Wellington vote could come in April

A vote on a debt exclusion for the construction of Wellington Elementary School could make it onto the April ballot after all…if state and town officials can hammer out a funding agreement by the end of the day.