A town-wide vote on a debt exclusion for the construction of a new Wellington Elementary school is unlikely to coincide with this November’s general election, according to a story posted on The Belmont Citizen Herald’s Web page. BCH editors and…
Changes coming to BloggingBelmont…
Hello to BloggingBelmont readers. First: an apology for the long delay in posting. Work responsibilities and travel took me off the B2 beat for the last couple weeks and, as this is still (sadly) mostly a one person effort, me…
Holland: pay increase controversy was just bad timing
This is the final part of a three-part interview with outgoing Schools Superintendent Peter Holland. The first part of the interview can be read by clicking this link, and the second installment is available here. In this post, Peter and…
Holland looks back on 20 years (part II)
I think the tenor of the debate has degraded. I think instead of being at issue level with some people, it gets to the personal level. It becomes attacking and they denigrate other people. My sense is that that’s never helpful. When someone speaks to you in a personal way, you never forget that. It makes it harder for you to move on and work together.
Schools Superintendent Holland looks back on 20 years
This is the first of a three part post featuring an interview with outgoing Schools Superintendent Peter Holland. You can view the second part of the interview by clicking this link. As many of you already know, Belmont is losing…
The tree man cometh: fallen limb strikes car on Cross St.
Chalk this one up as a “near miss.” I had just finished up a long run on Sunday morning and was getting into the shower when I heard a “crash” outside and the sound of brakes, not to mention the…