Meet Belmont on Thursday

Meet Belmont is this Thursday — connect with

An energy efficiency “barn raising”?

I recently heard about a kind of barn raising opportunity that’s in the same spirit: a home weatherization barn raising. The invite comes from the Cambridge Energy Alliance, a city-sponsored non profit group. The idea is simple: a bunch of folks get together to help a neighbor winterize their home. In the process, everyone learns something, while the host gets a jump start on energy saving measures for winter – installing pipe insulation, switching to a programmable thermostat, and so on.

A better Citizen Herald?

Is the Belmont Citizen Herald doing a good job covering the town? Discuss!

Road repairs will start in August, cost $200k less than planned.

As you may be aware, there’s good news and bad news when it comes to Belmont’s roads. First the good news — road repair in town will soon be underway! According to Glenn Clancy, the town’s Director of Community Development,…

No November vote on Wellington??

A town-wide vote on a debt exclusion for the construction of a new Wellington Elementary school is unlikely to coincide with this November’s general election, according to a story posted on The Belmont Citizen Herald’s Web page. BCH editors and…

Changes coming to BloggingBelmont…

Hello to BloggingBelmont readers. First: an apology for the long delay in posting. Work responsibilities and travel took me off the B2 beat for the last couple weeks and, as this is still (sadly) mostly a one person effort, me…