94% of parents opt for full day kindergarten

This is somewhat old news, but given BloggingBelmont’s long running coverage of the push by parents in town for a  Full Day Kinergarten program, I thought it was worth calling readers’ attention to a little noticed factoid from a recent BCH article…

Jogging Belmont

My marathon training has brought me smack up against one of the hardest part about running regularly:finding good places to run. I’m on the hunt for fun, challenging routes. In the meantime, here are some that have worked for me in and around Belmont.

Meet Belmont on Thursday

Meet Belmont is this Thursday — connect with

An energy efficiency “barn raising”?

I recently heard about a kind of barn raising opportunity that’s in the same spirit: a home weatherization barn raising. The invite comes from the Cambridge Energy Alliance, a city-sponsored non profit group. The idea is simple: a bunch of folks get together to help a neighbor winterize their home. In the process, everyone learns something, while the host gets a jump start on energy saving measures for winter – installing pipe insulation, switching to a programmable thermostat, and so on.

A better Citizen Herald?

Is the Belmont Citizen Herald doing a good job covering the town? Discuss!

Road repairs will start in August, cost $200k less than planned.

As you may be aware, there’s good news and bad news when it comes to Belmont’s roads. First the good news — road repair in town will soon be underway! According to Glenn Clancy, the town’s Director of Community Development,…