Category: politics

Questions for School Committee Candidates: Tara Donner

Tara Donner, Belmont School Committee

Our final response is from School Committee Candidate Tara Donner. Tara is a resident of Belmont, the mother of two and a sitting School Committee member who is seeking her second, full term on the Committee. Her unique experience includes 18 years of middle school teaching and 14 years serving as a Town Meeting Member.

Questions for School Committee Candidates: Meg Moriarty

Meg Moriarty

Our fourth response is from School Committee Candidate Meg Moriarty. Meg is a resident of Belmont, the mother of two and a Town Meeting member. She has served as president of the Butler School PTA and is the Principal of Megmor Research and Evaluation LLC, which provides services to help organizations assess the impact of Science Technology Engineering & Math (STEM) programming.

Questions for School Committee Candidates: Jamal Saeh

Jamal Saeh Belmont

Editor’s Note: Next week the town will go to vote on a number of issues including two seats on Belmont’s School Committee. Earlier this month, Blogging Belmont sent questionnaires to the five candidates for those two positions with a number…

Questions for School Committee Candidates: Timothy Flood

Timothy Flood, Belmont

Blogging Belmont sent questionnaires to the five candidates for those two positions with a number of questions that we felt were important for voters to understand candidates’ positions on before they vote. This week, we’ll be publishing the responses we received, highlighting one candidate each day and posting their responses as received. First up: Tim Flood.

Massachusetts 2020 Ballot Question 1 (Right To Repair): What You Need To Know

Man in auto repair shop

Ballot Question 1 seeks to expand Massachusetts auto right to repair law. What will a YES vote do? Here’s the information you need to decide.

Belmont’s Steaming Ahead to Leave Civil Service. Here are 5 Reasons I’ll Be Voting NO

Quint Jaws

Our political leaders are treating Town Meeting like their rubber stamp: making cost and diversity arguments, but providing no data to back them up and no concrete vision for what happens after we approve their plan. I’ll be voting NO and ask you to join me.

Re-Elect Dave Rogers for Representative

Dave Rogers for Rep Lawn Sign

Dave’s dedication to the job of being a State Representative was apparent to me the very first time we met: on my doorstep on a sweltering summer afternoon in 2012.

Many Victories in a Narrow Defeat

Jessie Bennett I Voted

Even 14 years ago when I moved to town – let alone the Belmont of 30 or 40 years ago- a Jessie Bennett in Belmont simply would not have stood for election for Selectman, let alone win six precincts and come within 128 votes of winning it all. In that Belmont, nobody would have encouraged her to run and there would have been no infrastructure to carry her campaign to the finish line.

Today is Town Election Day – Go Vote!!

line of voters voting

A reminder to Blogging Belmont readers: today is election day in town. If you’re 18 or older and registered, your civic duty and responsibility is to go vote. So go vote!! Polls opened at 7:00 AM and will stay open…

The Thuggish Style in Belmont Politics

A candidate for elected office in our Town of Homes has been the target of physical and verbal intimidation and threats. It’s a crass and thuggish attempt to drive him out of the Board of Selectmen’s race.