What you need to know: the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is seeking comments on a proposal to allocate $21 million of state and federal funding for construction of phase 1 of the community path. Let MPO know you support the Community Path by signing this petition by Monday, May 23.
The long anticipated Belmont Community Path Project is moving forward. As I write, the Town’s Community Path Project Committee worked with Nitsch Engineering to complete preliminary design work on Phase 1 of the project, which is currently under review by MassDOT.
Phase 1 will extend a community path from the existing Fitchburg Cutoff Path at Brighton Street (near the Cambridge border), through Belmont Center, and to the Clark Street Bridge at Pleasant Street, and connect the Winn Brook neighborhood to the 7-12 School and Concord Avenue via an underpass at Alexander Avenue and Channing Road and path spur to Concord Avenue via the Belmont High School/Middle School campus. That design is currently under review by MassDOT.

$21 Million in Federal Funding Proposed To Build Belmont’s Path
Separately, the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) has formally proposed allocating $21,034,382 of state and federal Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) funding for construction of phase 1 of the community path in federal fiscal year (FFY) 2026. This is a HUGE milestone for the project, which was first proposed three decades ago and has been actively studied for almost 15 years. If you’re a Community Path supporter, this is glorious news.
We’re not there yet. How you can help.
But don’t pop the Champagne yet. Russ Leino, the Chair of the Town’s Community Path Project Committee points out that the MPO’s decision is not yet final. MPO is currently holding a public comment period on the draft FFY 2023-26 TIP, and will consider all comments received by 5:00pm on Monday, May 23 before finalizing the funding allocation during its meeting on Thursday, May 26.
To make sure MPO knows that this project has broad, public support here in Belmont, the local group Friends of the Belmont Community Path has organized an online petition in support of finalizing the TIP with the funding for the Belmont Community Path included. We need you to take a minute and add your name to this petition before Monday, May 23 (next Monday). Use the link above or the button below to sign the petition and let MPO know that Belmont Supports The Community Path!!