Rumors are swirling about town that there could soon be a vacancy on the Board of Selectmen, with current Chairman Angelo Firenze declining to stand for another term. But Firenze tells BloggingBelmont that he hasn’t made up his mind yet and is still weighing his options.
“I am (sic) have not yet made any decisions and will not until after the first of the year,” Firenze wrote in response to an e-mail inquiry by BloggingBelmont. “I have always believed never to make a decision until you need to.”
Firenze said the rumors about his intentions to step down after his term is complete had cycled back to him, as well
“I have now been told that since I have not categorically said that I am running, my response has been translated by some to mean that I am not running and that I am out searching for someone to replace me. Politics is amazing in Belmont!”
For now, Firenze says he is keeping his options open.
The three member Board of Selectmen are paid, elected positions. Each member serves an overlapping, three year term. Firenze first joined the Board in November, 2004, in a special election held to fill the vacancy left by Anne Marie S. Mahoney. He is now the senior member of the Board and has served as Chairman since April, 2008.