It’s not deja vu: the Belmont Middle- and High School Building Committee is again seriously contemplating eliminating a rooftop solar array from the project, citing concerns about cost overruns. A vote is scheduled for Friday morning (February 11) at 8 AM. Please attend and show your support for the photovoltaic solar array.
Tag: Belmont Public Schools
Belmont: Our Best Days Are Ahead
A Change Election (Change To What: TBD)
Belmont Parents: Don’t Build a Monument to Anger. Join Me In Voting Yes.
Questions for School Committee Candidates: Tara Donner
Our final response is from School Committee Candidate Tara Donner. Tara is a resident of Belmont, the mother of two and a sitting School Committee member who is seeking her second, full term on the Committee. Her unique experience includes 18 years of middle school teaching and 14 years serving as a Town Meeting Member.
Register Now: Apple Run Run 5K | 2K | Couch-to-5K
Belmont “Never Tax-ers” Put 7-12 School, Community Path in their Sights. Attend Select Board Zoom Meeting Monday.
As the Budget Wrecking Ball Swings: Protecting Our Students
With per pupil spending in Belmont already about $3,000 per student/per year below the State average per district ($12,700 in Belmont vs. $15,900 avg.), our public schools entered the pandemic stretched to the breaking point. Now we risk plunging into a full-blown fiscal crisis with layoffs of instructional staff, increased class sizes and cuts to supplies.