Attention Blogging Belmont readers and restless progressives: are you tired of yelling at cable TV and pulling your hair out over the headlines? Well, there’s a great opportunity for you to get involved and actually make important changes happen in your community.
I’m speaking of course of our many and able Town Committees which, together, do much of the yeoman’s work in this $160 million non profit organization we call The Town of Belmont. Volunteering for one of the many, interesting Town Committees is a great way to make your voice heard and to meet engaged, talented and smart Belmontonians who share your passion for the town and willingness to get involved.
I say this because today (Monday, July 9) is the last day to submit an application to the Board of Selectmen for appointment to a committee. There are openings on some of the Town’s most important and influential committees to consider including the Belmont Planning Board, the Capital Budget Committee, the Human Rights Commission, the Community Preservation Committee (oversees funds from the Community Preservation Act) , the Energy Committee and so on.
The application can be found here. Also, The Town Clerk’s Office has a portal set up that gives you all the information you need as well as links to the application form. You have until Midnight to email your application in and you can apply to multiple committees if your interests are broad.