Tag: Belmont

Schools Superintendent Holland looks back on 20 years

This is the first of a three part post featuring an interview with outgoing Schools Superintendent Peter Holland. You can view the second part of the interview by clicking this link. As many of you already know, Belmont is losing…

Warning shot: roads override defeated. (But it was close!)

Voters in Belmont, Massachusetts sent a warning shot on Monday, voting down an effort to pass a Prop 2 1/2 override to fund road maintenance and reconstruction in the town. According to data posted on the Belmont Town Web site today by Town Clerk Delores Keefe, the vote was a close one with 2602 voters saying “No” and 2269 saying “Yes” – a difference of just 333 votes.

What’s your Walkscore?

One of the things that’s so great about Belmont, of course, is its proximity to…well…just about everything. We’ve got some great shopping districts with shops, restaurants, Starbucks and, as we on Town Meeting know — BANKS! Step back and we…

Roads override? Bring it!

The results of the first-ever bloggingbelmont readers’ poll are in, and they show strong (if statistically suspect) support for the upcoming roads override vote on June 9, as well as for the likely debt exclusion vote for Wellington Elementary. Forty…

School Committee weighing layoffs, other cuts

In brief: The Belmont School Committee met Tuesday evening to discuss proposed cuts of between $800,000 and $1.6 million to the FY 2009 budget. The Committee worked out various scenarios, but anticipated elimination of full time instructors at the Butler…

In the mix: Patricia Mihelich, Belmont Food Pantry

In the Mix is BloggingBelmont’s occasional series that profiles important people in town. In our last installment, Selectman Angelo Firenze gave us his thoughts on the future of the town and on his role, as Selectman, in shaping it. This…

Crazy Idea #8: Eminent Domain

Note: This is the eighth and final installment of Eight Crazy Ideas for ‘08, a multi-part posting that is looking at ideas, big and small, that could improve our community in Belmont. OK…so it took a bit longer than planned,…

Crazy Idea #7: Fill the ‘Golden Bowl’?

Note: This is the seventh installment of Eight Crazy Ideas for ’08, a multi-part posting that is looking at ideas, big and small, that could improve our community in Belmont. On we charge with our Eight Crazy Ideas for 2008.…

Punks beat up on the Citizen Herald

New in the “grounded for life” category…it looks like our beloved Belmont Citizen Herald got more than it was bargaining for with the recent Cassie Norton story in last week’s issue on the “near riot” at the VFW Hall after…

Crazy Idea #6: eGovernment

Note: This is the sixth installment of Eight Crazy Ideas for ’08, a multi-part posting that is looking at ideas, big and small, that could improve our community in Belmont. While we’re all pondering the fate of the beloved Underwood…