It’s intended to provide an economic stimulus, but the end result of emergency federal funding in Belmont may be to get the town’s schools back to level funding, according to a story in today’s Belmont Citizen Herald.
Tag: Belmont Public Schools
Why we need a new Wellington Elementary: the video
Together for Wellington has released an excellent video about the need to rebuild Wellington Elementary, and addressing questions and concerns about the project. Check it out!
Warrant Committee notes: pensions, public safety, sports all on the chopping block
Town leaders stared into the abyss on Wednesday, contemplating “what ifs” should the town not pass a Prop 2 1/2 override. Teacher and town layoffs, fee supported sports and reduced emergency services are all possibilities.
Get involved: important meetings happening this week
There’s a full schedule of important meetings this week covering everything from school funding to the town’s budget and an opportunity to have your thoughts on education heard by leaders at the state level. Check it out.
State, town need more time on Wellington
A meeting between Mass School Building Authority and Belmont’s three Selectmen, Rep. Will Brownsberger and the Wellington Builiding Committee was productive, but did not result in a final dollar amount for the project.
Wellington vote could come in April
A vote on a debt exclusion for the construction of Wellington Elementary School could make it onto the April ballot after all…if state and town officials can hammer out a funding agreement by the end of the day.
Selectmen at odds on Override timing
The Belmont Citizen Herald is reporting today on a Board of Selectmen meeting last night that makes it look likely that the town will be asked to vote for an override of Proposition 2 1/2 to close a hole in…
Wellington vote unlikely for April Ballot
A special election to pass a debt exclusion for the construction of a new Wellington Elementary will almost certainly be needed, as negotiations on the final price tag for construction of a new Wellington Elementary School between the Mass. School Building Authority (MSBA) and the town continue.
Vote for Me for School Committee!
I’ve decided to run for what’s left of Diane Stafford’s three year term on School Committee.
Shovel ready? Roads, sewers on list of projects considered for bailout money
Town officials submitted no fewer than 17 shovel ready projects to the state, with a price tag north of $30 million. Road, sewer and other improvement to municipal buildings top the list and range from a $14m project to rebuild 2.5 miles of new roadway and improved drainage along Trapelo Rd. and Belmont St., to a $35 request for a fan to blow exhaust out of the town’s municipal garage.