How America Lost Faith in Expertise | Foreign Affairs

If you’ve found yourself growing frustrated at the “facts neutral” quality of debate about important public policies,  you’re not alone. Many of us share your frustration. While principled disagreement about policies is vital in a democracy, the debate in the…

Think Globally, Resist Locally: Support The Safe Communities Act

There’s lots to do locally to resist the Trump Administration’s many excesses. Item #1 on the list: supporting Sen. Brownsberger and those who are trying to pass SD 1596, a law to prohibit Massachusetts officers and law enforcement from cooperating with mass deportations.

Safety must come first on the Community Path

A proposed on-road route along Concord Ave. that is being rated highly as a choice for Belmont’s Community Path would pose serious safety concerns to Path users and runs counter to the community’s wishes. A December 7 meeting with engineers is your chance to speak out.

Two Things: Library Feasibility Public Meeting Tonight and a Survey

There’s a meeting tonight at Beech Street Center for the public to weigh in on plans for a new or renovated Library. Also: there’s a survey to take and provide feedback on your priorities for the new library.

Reminder: Community Path Meeting Tonight (WED) at Chenery

There’s a meeting to discuss the eastern end of the proposed Belmont Community Path this evening (Wed Nov 16) at 7 PM at Chenery Middle School Auditorium. Come show your support for a gorgeous Belmont Community Path!

The Democratic Party’s Rothko Problem

Amid all the hand wringing and finger pointing within the Democratic party in the last week – and there has been a lot of it – one clear and indisputable truth has emerged: the Party has to change, and in a big…