Category: Select Board

Opinion: Safeguarding Independent Processes in the 3A Universe

Leonard Street paved with Ben Franklins

Now that Belmont has approved its plan for the State’s MBTA Communities Act, it faces a critical issue: how to increase commercial development even as it obeys the requirements imposed by the state’s one size fits all law.

Opinion: Select Board Town Meeting Decision Oversteps Boundaries

George Washington thumbs down image

In a blatant display of the dangers inherent in concentrating power in the executive, the Select Board eliminated hybrid town meetings for both the May and June sessions citing misleading information, and silenced one of its members, writes Town Meeting Member Judith Feinleib.

Vote For Change: My Picks For The April 2nd Town Election

Vote for Change Belmont

For the first time in years, voters have the opportunity to enact big changes to Belmont’s leadership. It’s not an opportunity we should pass up. Change is on the ballot, Belmont. Let’s make it happen! Here are my picks for the April 2nd 2024 Town Election.

Belmont: 3 Reasons To Vote Yes On Question 1

Vote Yes on 1 lawn sign

On April 2nd, residents will be asked to approve Question 1, which raises our property tax levy to fund critical Town- and school operations. Check out the top 3 reasons that I am going to vote YES.

Belmont Educators: Speak Up To Save Our Public Schools

Belmont Middle School

Editor’s note: the following blog post was submitted to Blogging Belmont by Belmont Public School educators. In it, the educators update readers about the financial challenges facing the school, identify some important, upcoming meetings where those challenges facing the school…

We’re Voting “NO” On Leaving Civil Service. Here’s Why.

thumbs down

Our research into Article 8 convinces us that the arguments made by the Town Administrator, Police Chief and Select Board for exiting the Civil Service are not supported by the facts. We’ve listed our main reasons for voting “NO” here, with further explanation provided below.

If I May: Civil Service Redux

Puck Civil Service

In her latest “If I May” opinion piece, Town Meeting Member Judith Feinleib argues that the Town’s proposal to have Town Meeting withdraw the Belmont PD from the State’s Civil Service program leaves lots of questions unanswered.

Thursday Evening: Speak Up For Civil Service

The Civil Service Cerberus and the Hercules of spoils by George Yost Coffin. Courtesy of The Library of Congress

A hearing Thursday evening September 7th at 7PM seeks public input on a proposal to withdraw the Town from Massachusetts’ Civil Service. Turn up and be ready to ask hard questions about what will replace the Civil Service protections we all enjoy.

Abutters want to slash Children’s Room hours over parking, traffic.

Benton Branch Library

Abutters to Belmont’s Benton Branch are up in arms that the nearly century old library might again be used as a library. They’re pressuring the Select Board to cut the operating hours by more than half: from 50 hours a week to just 20. Sign a petition supporting more hours for our kids and turn up Monday night to the Select Board meeting to voice your support for more Children’s Room hours.

Vote Local: Two Ballot Questions, One Answer: YES.

ballot box

Voters are being asked to weigh in on two ballot questions in this year’s local election: on rebuilding the Viglirolo skating rink and switching from an elected- to an appointed Town Treasurer. Here’s how I’m planning to vote on Questions 1 and 2.