Category: politics

All hands: Selectmen to take up Wellington vote at Monday meeting

The Board of Selectman will hear from the Wellington Building Committee at a meeting on Monday evening. Show up at 8:00pm in the Gallery at the Homer Building to show your support.

A shout out for volunteers

Want to be a part of the grass roots? Together for Wellington, the citizen’s group that supports the construction of a new Wellington Elementary School, is looking for volunteers to help us do some canvassing and voter identification both in Prencinct 8 and in other precincts.

Get involved: important meetings happening this week

There’s a full schedule of important meetings this week covering everything from school funding to the town’s budget and an opportunity to have your thoughts on education heard by leaders at the state level. Check it out.

Selectmen at odds on Override timing

The Belmont Citizen Herald is reporting today on a Board of Selectmen meeting last night that makes it look likely that the town will be asked to vote for an override of Proposition 2 1/2 to close a hole in…

Shovel ready? Roads, sewers on list of projects considered for bailout money

Town officials submitted no fewer than 17 shovel ready projects to the state, with a price tag north of $30 million. Road, sewer and other improvement to municipal buildings top the list and range from a $14m project to rebuild 2.5 miles of new roadway and improved drainage along Trapelo Rd. and Belmont St., to a $35 request for a fan to blow exhaust out of the town’s municipal garage.

LeClerc looking for compromise on budget, capital spending

With the town facing a swift economic contraction and the loss of state aid, even as it juggles multiple, competing spending issues, Selectman Dan LeClerc is hoping Belmont will steer a middle path: accepting some cuts in services while supporting important projects such as the construction of a new Wellington Elementary School and the preservation of teacher positions at the elementary, middle and high school levels.

Alternatives for towns facing cuts to libraries?

Next door in Arlington individual donors had stepped in with funding to preserve abbreviated Sunday library hours, at least through May. Will Belmont residents do the same?

Stand for Children: supporting Belmont’s schools from the grassroots

Going into 2009 Belmont’s schools are facing a tough budget crunch, and this is a great time for Belmont parents and supporters of the schools to get involved….Stand for Children is in the early stages of establishing a Belmont chapter, and we are looking for committed people to join the chapter and make a difference for Belmont kids.

Crazy ideas for ’09: Fast track the Library

Find a place for the new library and you’ve got your new Police Station. You may also have found an answer to the Underwood/Skating Rink question, too.

Crazy ideas for ’09: Smaller is better for Town Meeting

Town Meeting, as it currently exists in Belmont, is too large and too unwieldy to serve the town as it should.