Category: environment

What’s your Walkscore?

One of the things that’s so great about Belmont, of course, is its proximity to…well…just about everything. We’ve got some great shopping districts with shops, restaurants, Starbucks and, as we on Town Meeting know — BANKS! Step back and we…

Crazy Idea #3: Cogeneration & demand-response electricity pricing

Note: This is the third installment of Eight Crazy Ideas for ’08, a multi-part posting that is looking at ideas, big and small, that could improve our community in Belmont. In the first installment, I talked about introducing a resident…

Will holiday shopping get blown away?

Winter hit the Town of Homes hard again on Sunday, with snow, sleet, wind and rain. In contrast to last Thursday’s storm, however, the cleanup was an orderly affair, with most Belmont residents, it seems, content to stay off the…