Author: Paul Roberts

Holland: pay increase controversy was just bad timing

This is the final part of a three-part interview with outgoing Schools Superintendent Peter Holland. The first part of the interview can be read by clicking this link, and the second installment is available here. In this post, Peter and…

Holland looks back on 20 years (part II)

I think the tenor of the debate has degraded. I think instead of being at issue level with some people, it gets to the personal level. It becomes attacking and they denigrate other people. My sense is that that’s never helpful. When someone speaks to you in a personal way, you never forget that. It makes it harder for you to move on and work together.

Schools Superintendent Holland looks back on 20 years

This is the first of a three part post featuring an interview with outgoing Schools Superintendent Peter Holland. You can view the second part of the interview by clicking this link. As many of you already know, Belmont is losing…

The tree man cometh: fallen limb strikes car on Cross St.

Chalk this one up as a “near miss.” I had just finished up a long run on Sunday morning and was getting into the shower when I heard a “crash” outside and the sound of brakes, not to mention the…

Warning shot: roads override defeated. (But it was close!)

Voters in Belmont, Massachusetts sent a warning shot on Monday, voting down an effort to pass a Prop 2 1/2 override to fund road maintenance and reconstruction in the town. According to data posted on the Belmont Town Web site today by Town Clerk Delores Keefe, the vote was a close one with 2602 voters saying “No” and 2269 saying “Yes” – a difference of just 333 votes.

Convicts come to the Underwood’s rescue (again)!

Today might not be the week to let your kids go wandering downtown — especially in the vicinity of the Underwood Pool…

School Committee responds to BCH editorial

The following is a reprint of an email from Superintendent Peter Holland to BPS parents. The email addresses a recent dust up between the Belmont School Committee and the Belmont Citizen Herald over promotions and pay increases to BPS administrators,…

What’s your Walkscore?

One of the things that’s so great about Belmont, of course, is its proximity to…well…just about everything. We’ve got some great shopping districts with shops, restaurants, Starbucks and, as we on Town Meeting know — BANKS! Step back and we…

Roads override? Bring it!

The results of the first-ever bloggingbelmont readers’ poll are in, and they show strong (if statistically suspect) support for the upcoming roads override vote on June 9, as well as for the likely debt exclusion vote for Wellington Elementary. Forty…

Belmont property values down 6%?

I’m a big fan of the new breed of Web based real estate tracking sites like, and the like. They’re incredibly powerful tools for studying home values, researching towns and so on. The amount of information they consolidate…