2023 Survey: Town Treasurer

According to the Town’s bylaws, the Town Treasurer is the individual entrusted with collecting taxes from Belmont residents and businesses. The Treasurer is also entrusted with the funds collected and is required to submit an annual report on the Town’s finances, which becomes part of the Town’s annual report.

Critically, the Town Treasurer is responsible for financial transactions, including issuing Middlesex County tax bills and collecting personal and real property tax payments. The Treasurer is also charged with issuing and managing debt on behalf of the Town, for example as needed to pay for capital projects such as the 7-12 school.

Elected vs. Appointed Treasurer

Historically, the Belmont Town Treasurer has been an elected position. However, this April a ballot question will ask residents to convert the Treasurer to an appointed position under the direction of the Town Administrator. At the same time, our longtime Treasurer Floyd Carmen has decided not to seek re-election to the office, and nobody has stepped up in Floyd’s place. The result is a worrisome absence of official candidates for this critical position. That leaves the possibility open that a write-in candidate who collects even a small number of votes could become the leading financial officer for Belmont, a community with an annual budget north of $160 million.

In short: YIKES! Stay tuned for more on this.