2023 Survey: Board of Assessors

The Board of Assessors is a three person body that is required by Massachusetts Law. Members serve three year terms, with one member of the board elected each year. The job of the Board of Assessors is to list and value all real and personal property in Belmont. Valuation is subject to ad valorem taxation on an assessment roll each year. The “ad valorem” basis for taxation means that all property should be taxed “according to value.” In Belmont, that means the Assessors’ Office must appraise and assess approximately 8000 parcel of property each year.

Three year position (vote for one):

Robert P. Reardon | 73 Van Ness Rd.


One year position (vote for one):

There is only one candidate listed on the ballot for this position.

Patrick Joseph Murphy, IV | 41 Cedar Rd.

NamePatrick Murphy
I’m a candidate for:Board of Assessors
I am running as a:First-time candidate
Volunteer & community activities? (optional)On the Board of Belmont Youth Hockey, coach hockey, lacrosse, and softball. Was appointed to the Board of Assessors in 2022.
Candidate’s StatementI am a real estate attorney and feel as though my knowledge of the real estate market will assist both the Town and it’s Residents in being able to best provide valuations on properties as well as assist in negotiating with various entities appearing before the Board.


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