This is the latest installment in a series of interviews BloggingBelmont is doing with some of the leading thinkers and decision makers in the Belmont Community — those folks who help shape the town that we live in. For this…
Category: schools
Full Day K goes up for a vote tonight
Supporters of full day kindergarten need to turn out tonight to the Chenery Middle School at 7:30 for an important School Committee meeting. At issue will be the School Dept.’s plan to introduce all day kindergarten to the town’s elementary…
FY 09 operating override gets cold reception
I thought B2’s readers might like an update, following Wednesday night’s Warrant Committee meeting, on the status of debate among the town’s elected leaders, on the possibility of an operating override for FY09 to help cover what began as an…
Whatever happened to Full Day Kindergarten, anyway?
I’ve heard, directly and indirectly, from a couple of parents in the last few days who wanted to know what the status was of Superintendent Holland’s proposal for full day kindergarten, so I thought I’d give the lo-down. If you…
Band of Mothers
With Belmont headed towards a likely override vote (or a few of them) in the coming days, I was interested to read this fine article in the Boston Globe on the phenomenon of “override moms” — concerned, suburban parents (generally…
Massive turnout puts override on the agenda
An impressive turnout by parents of Belmont Public School students and other concerned citizens put the issue of an operational override at the top of the town’s agenda Saturday, and may have set the stage for a vote on an…
The latest on School, Town Budget cuts…
I’m passing along up to date information on where things stand with deliberations on the proposed cuts to the School and Town operating budgets for next year. As you know, at the Warrant Committee meeting on Wednesday, both the town…
Reading the Warrant Committee’s Tea Leaves
I’m just back from the Warrant Committee meeting at the Chenery where both Town Administrator Tom Younger and Dr. Gerry Missal, the School Department’s Director of Finance and Administration, presented their best estimates of what kinds of cuts would be…
More on last night’s School Committee meeting
At the risk of muddying the water about what has and hasn’t happened yet re: the School Budget, School Committee member Ann Rittenburg has provided a detailed comment to my post from early this AM. Ann provides some more context…
School Committee weighing layoffs, other cuts
In brief: The Belmont School Committee met Tuesday evening to discuss proposed cuts of between $800,000 and $1.6 million to the FY 2009 budget. The Committee worked out various scenarios, but anticipated elimination of full time instructors at the Butler…