Category: budget

Road repairs will start in August, cost $200k less than planned.

As you may be aware, there’s good news and bad news when it comes to Belmont’s roads. First the good news — road repair in town will soon be underway! According to Glenn Clancy, the town’s Director of Community Development,…

No November vote on Wellington??

A town-wide vote on a debt exclusion for the construction of a new Wellington Elementary school is unlikely to coincide with this November’s general election, according to a story posted on The Belmont Citizen Herald’s Web page. BCH editors and…

Holland: pay increase controversy was just bad timing

This is the final part of a three-part interview with outgoing Schools Superintendent Peter Holland. The first part of the interview can be read by clicking this link, and the second installment is available here. In this post, Peter and…

Warning shot: roads override defeated. (But it was close!)

Voters in Belmont, Massachusetts sent a warning shot on Monday, voting down an effort to pass a Prop 2 1/2 override to fund road maintenance and reconstruction in the town. According to data posted on the Belmont Town Web site today by Town Clerk Delores Keefe, the vote was a close one with 2602 voters saying “No” and 2269 saying “Yes” – a difference of just 333 votes.

Convicts come to the Underwood’s rescue (again)!

Today might not be the week to let your kids go wandering downtown — especially in the vicinity of the Underwood Pool…

Roads override? Bring it!

The results of the first-ever bloggingbelmont readers’ poll are in, and they show strong (if statistically suspect) support for the upcoming roads override vote on June 9, as well as for the likely debt exclusion vote for Wellington Elementary. Forty…

Survey: Your feelings on the roads override (and those other overrides, too)

First of all: check out the new header graphic. I got tired of the standard Google maps graphic, so I used my handy Powershot to take this panorama pic from the Belmont Center train platform a week or so…

Belmont property values down 6%?

I’m a big fan of the new breed of Web based real estate tracking sites like, and the like. They’re incredibly powerful tools for studying home values, researching towns and so on. The amount of information they consolidate…

(Updated) Town Meeting II, Electric Boogaloo!

We’re back in session here to finish up seven items left over from Monday evening’s Town Meeting. When we left off, 1) my laptop battery had run out and 2) there was an amendment proposed to item #10, an omnibus…

New campaign to support tech tools for teaching

Hey all. I just got an e-mail message from Lynne Polcari over at the Foundation for Belmont Education. Lynne’s a B2 reader and wanted to make others who read this blog aware of an upcoming event on May 6th (Tuesday)…